The Coming ESG Reporting Imperative | AuditBoard

The Coming ESG Reporting Imperative

The Coming ESG Reporting Imperative
  • An assessment of the current regulatory environment and how it varies by region

  • The implications for ESG reporting, including the cost of compliance and required assurance

  • Best reporting practices to develop investor-grade, assured ESG disclosures

  • Top priorities for purpose-driven ESG management software

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Executing compliance-driven ESG strategies can positively impact operating profits by approximately 60 percent. However, reaping those benefits requires comprehensive reporting–which, up to this point, has been largely voluntary — but legislation that mandates ESG reporting is expected to take effect by 2024. 

As key regulations continue to materialize, IDC predicts that applying governance, compliance, audit, and risk management practices will increase the success of ESG reporting initiatives. 

Download the IDC Spotlight, sponsored by AuditBoard, The Coming ESG Reporting Imperative, to learn best practices for a new era of compliance-driven ESG reporting. Check out the full guide for:

  • An assessment of the current regulatory environment and how it varies by region.
  • The implications for ESG reporting, including the cost of compliance and required assurance.
  • Best reporting practices to develop investor-grade, assured ESG disclosures.
  • Top priorities for purpose-driven ESG management software, and why a background in audit, risk, and compliance matters for these solutions.

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