Making the Business Case for Continuous Monitoring | AuditBoard

Making the Business Case for Continuous Monitoring

Making the Business Case for Continuous Monitoring
  • The 5 Key Benefits of Continuous Monitoring

  • Overcoming the 3 Common Roadblocks to Continuous Monitoring

  • Common Continuous Monitoring Use Cases in Action

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Managing risk and ensuring compliance requires an unwavering commitment to data oversight and analysis. While yearly audits and random sampling can help auditors and executives protect the enterprise, it places a heavy burden on those involved to detect and examine suspicious activity.

Instead of relying exclusively on a yearly audit, random sampling, or periodic reviews, technology now allows businesses to embrace continuous monitoring and continuous auditing. Continuous auditing uses automation to help audit teams gather data to support audit-related activities, enabling management to ensure they are in compliance with company and security policies, procedures, and processes. 

Download the ebook to learn how to make the business case for continuous monitoring in your organization, including:

  • The 5 Key Benefits of Continuous Monitoring: how continuous monitoring can help you manage risk, ensure compliance, and optimize your internal control environment. 
  • Overcoming the 3 Common Roadblocks to Continuous Monitoring: how to navigate resistance stemming from an internal misunderstanding of continuous monitoring.
  • Common Continuous Monitoring Use Cases in Action: how the ability to continuously monitor data in real-time can generate tremendous value.

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