Enterprise Risk Management Software | AuditBoard

Enterprise Risk Management Software

Integrate and elevate your risk management programs — including the identification, assessment, response, mitigation, and monitoring of risks — in a highly integrated, visual, and intuitive way.

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RiskOversight dashboard
Magnifying glass

Increase Visibility

Gain global insight to drive key decisions, expand coverage, and proactively manage risk.


Save Time

Streamline your risk assessments, reporting, and action plan management.


Centralize Risk Management

Ensure the timeliness, quality, and availability of risk data and trends.

Unify Risk Data

Standardize risks to increase collaboration and create a common language for risk across the organization. Gain combined assurance and save time copying changes throughout documentation by linking risks, controls, and mitigating activities across the AuditBoard platform.

Streamline Your Risk Management Program

Save time by automating distribution and aggregation of risk assessments, monitoring action plans to completion, and increasing engagement from business owners.

Flexibly perform automated risk surveys or in-person interviews to fit your unique risk assessment process. Dynamically score risk by collecting impact, likelihood, controls, strength, and other risk criteria ratings.

Gain Visibility into Risk Trends

Drive key decisions and inform audit, risk, and compliance programs with dashboards and heatmaps that visualize top risks. Gain risk coverage by easily linking controls and mitigating activities being performed by audit or compliance across the AuditBoard platform.

Perform trend analysis through real-time visualizations that measure the effectiveness of your efforts, and proactively manage risk by monitoring key risk indicators.

Our users used to each spend an hour rating the different risks — with RiskOversight, that process went down to about 20 minutes. We went from a several week process of administering the survey, digesting results, building your report, and presenting that to management — to it being a one man show.

Gary Brendle

Director of Risk Oversight and Audit Operations

Gary Brendle avatar

Drive Mitigation Action Plans

Create and assign action plans to owners with a single click. Manage action plans with speed and efficiency leveraging built-in workflows. Get instant visibility into remediation progress and automate follow-up on outstanding tasks.

Evaluate Risk Awareness in Every Corner of the Business

Strengthen Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Across the Organization

Strengthen Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Across the Organization

Preventative Approaches to Fraud Risk Management

Preventative Approaches to Fraud Risk Management

Drive Better Business Decisions Through Operational Risk Management (ORM)

Drive Better Business Decisions Through Operational Risk Management (ORM)

Used by Hundreds of Audit, Risk, and Compliance Teams

Our intuitive and integrated platform enables these teams to concentrate their efforts on the risks and opportunities that are most relevant to the business and their strategic objectives.

Explore Why Customers Love Us

The Modern Connected Risk Platform

Elevate your audit, risk, sustainability, and compliance teams with the intelligent, collaborative, connected risk management platform.

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Platform diagram

Audit & Controls Management

Elevate your impact with risk-based auditing and SOX assurance.

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IT Risk & Compliance

Automate across each area of IT risk and compliance management.

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Risk Management

Visualize and address every risk across your organization.

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ESG Management

Streamline your ESG program and ensure audit-ready data.

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