The Future Risk Leader's Toolkit

Brett Luis
Brett Luis AuditBoard
Larry Harrington
Larry Harrington Raytheon

On-Demand Webinars

Webinar Speakers

Brett Luis is a seasoned governance, risk, and compliance leader with over 20 years of professional services and industry experience. Brett joined AuditBoard in April 2020 to lead our Client Advisory Services implementation team. His diverse audit, attestation, internal audit, Sarbanes-Oxley and information technology background provides an ideal perspective in helping our clients optimize the use of our technology and pushing our onboarding team and platform to the next level. He has been on the frontlines supporting public companies in standing up robust Sarbanes-Oxley compliance programs and in the audit trenches leading the IT component of the internal controls and financial statement audits at public registrants since the early 2000’s. Brett is the proud father of four boys, an avid soccer fan, and a highly enthusiastic but sadly subpar guitarist. In his spare time he works on a never-ending list of home improvement projects.

Larry Harrington is a CIA, CRMA, and CPA. He is the retired CAE at Raytheon Company where he served for over 13 years. He also served as CAE at Staples and Aetna and held VP positions in Finance, Human Resources and Healthcare Operations. Active within The IIA, Larry served as Global Chair, Chair of the North American Board, and is a member of The IIA’s Hall of Distinguished Audit Practitioners. Larry has been a thought leader and frequent speaker on internal audit topics in over two dozen countries and many IIA US chapters. He has also been recognized for his work on diversity, inclusion, and people development.


Risks are constantly changing and the tactics and techniques that served audit, risk, and compliance teams in the past must evolve to stay on pace. Business, people, and technology transformations present challenges to scale — to keep up, teams need to embrace change. This session will cover the tools a future risk leader should have and how to apply them.

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