What the UK Corporate Governance Code Means for Your Business | AuditBoard

What the UK Corporate Governance Code Means for Your Business

What the UK Corporate Governance Code Means for Your Business
  • Overview of updated controls-related requirements

  • 4 areas organisations should prioritise to prepare for compliance

  • Technology tips to enhance risk and control management

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The 2024 UK Corporate Governance Code and its much-anticipated updates on control reporting for companies will come into effect for financial years starting 1 January 2026 — which gives organisations roughly two years to take steps to comply.

The Code may not be as rigorous as U.S. SOX, but organisations will need to take action to get their risk and controls programmes in order. How can you “right-size” your approach?

Download your copy of What the UK Corporate Governance Code Means for Your Business to get up to speed on:

  • What’s in the 2024 UK Corporate Governance Code and an overview of updated controls-related requirements
  • Four key actions companies can take today to prepare for the requirements
  • Opportunities to leverage technology to improve your system of internal control

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