SANS 2024 Top Attacks and Threats Report | AuditBoard

SANS 2024 Top Attacks and Threats Report

SANS 2024 Top Attacks and Threats Report
  • Use cases for artificial intelligence

  • 2024 breach and threat baseline data

  • Assessments of the most formidable issues on the horizon

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Understanding today’s threat landscape is critical for organizational leaders who are evolving to keep up with new attack vectors, vulnerabilities, and technology. New research from the SANS Institute, sponsored by AuditBoard, examines up-to-the-minute information for CISOs on emerging cyber threats and their impacts.

This year’s 2024 Top Attacks & Threats Report takes a deeper dive into the emerging threats discussed during the annual SANS keynote at RSA® Conference and look at numerous other noteworthy attacker trends. It provides mitigation strategies and actionable advice on the critical skills, processes, and controls needed to protect enterprises from these advanced attacks.

Download the full report for actionable insights on:

  • 2024 breach and threat baseline data, including assessments of the most formidable issues on the horizon
  • Security-focused software development and solutions for multi-cloud security and SOC automation
  • Pros, cons, and use cases for artificial intelligence and machine learning

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