GRC 20/20 Report: AuditBoard Delivering Value in IT Risk and Compliance Management | AuditBoard

GRC 20/20 Report: AuditBoard Delivering Value in IT Risk and Compliance Management

GRC 20/20 Report: AuditBoard Delivering Value in IT Risk and Compliance Management
  • Positioning your organization at a competitive advantage

  • Building the business case for technology

  • Levaraging real-time information that delivers value to the business

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Organizations that evolve their IT risk management function spend 75% less time on oversight and management. However, organizations that have not evolved often fall prey to checking boxes and completing assessments – a rote approach that interferes with true, continuous risk and resilience assurance.  

This is partially due to the exponential rate of change in most industries – organizations are having a difficult time keeping up. In this volatile environment, IT risk management professionals often struggle to provide assurance of control in an uncertain new world of constantly morphing business risks, requirements, and regulations.  

Download GRC 20/20’s report, AuditBoard: Delivering Value in IT Risk and Compliance Management, to learn best practices for providing continuous agile assurance in a dynamic business environment. Check out the full guide for:  

  • Implementing four foundational process components: oversight and management of IT risk, risk identification, assessment, and management, IT compliance assurance and control, and third-party risk management.
  • Evolving your organization’s IT risk management function to position your organization at a competitive advantage.
  • Best practices for creating an environment where the organization can measure the effectiveness and efficiencies of resources.
  • Top priorities for an integrated architecture to manage the ecosystem of IT risks, compliance requirements, and controls with real-time information that delivers value to the business.

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