Cybersecurity Audit Survival Kit | AuditBoard

Cybersecurity Audit Survival Kit

Cybersecurity Audit Survival Kit
  • Key elements of the Cybersecurity Topical Requirement

  • Impacts for audit and InfoSec professionals

  • Cybersecurity audit readiness checklist

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Protecting your organization from cyber threats is no longer the responsibility of just one team. Internal audit and information security are natural allies in this fight, but cybersecurity audits often leave both functions frustrated due to inefficiency, inconsistency, or a lack of understanding.

The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) seeks to address these challenges with the introduction of its new Cybersecurity Topical Requirement, part of the Global Internal Audit Standards. The requirement aims to standardize organizations’ approach to cybersecurity audits and emphasizes collaboration with InfoSec teams to boost cyber resilience.

To help you get started with meeting this requirement and strengthening the relationship between your audit and InfoSec teams, we’ve put together a Cybersecurity Audit Survival Kit. In it, you’ll find:

  • A detailed breakdown of the governance, risk management, and controls guidance in the Cybersecurity Topical Requirement.
  • Insights on how the new requirement impacts both internal audit and InfoSec roles.
  • Steps to take at each stage of a cybersecurity audit to ensure success, including how technology can be leveraged to drive alignment.
  • A cybersecurity audit readiness checklist for each domain of the new requirement and each team.
Complete the form to get your free copy of Cybersecurity Audit Survival Kit.

Cybersecurity Audit Survival Kit

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