How Calligo Takes a Collaborative Approach to Compliance

April 17, 2024

How Calligo Takes a Collaborative Approach to Compliance

In our Spotlight on Success series, Matthew Planterose, Director of Compliance at Calligo Limited, shares how Calligo uses AuditBoard to allow its leadership to eliminate repetitive audit tasks and focus on key compliance efforts. Headquartered in Jersey, Channel Islands, Calligo is an IT services management company focusing on transformative data privacy, insights, and managed cloud. 

Hear how this team crosschecks their compliance efforts after switching from a manual environment to AuditBoard, including: 

  • Leveraging AuditBoard to reduce hours spent trying to collaborate on compliance efforts 
  • Using AuditBoard to audit against ISO controls based on security and availability
  • Making internal audit projects easier with the ability to crosscheck compliance
Matthew Planterose of Calligo shares how AuditBoard empowers their collaborative compliance efforts.

Tell us a little about Calligo and some challenges you’ve addressed with AuditBoard. 

Calligo is a provider of transformative data services. We specialize in data privacy, insights, and cloud management. One of the best things about working with AuditBoard is being able to share it with our user base. So, it becomes a collaborative compliance effort, instead of our compliance staff taking the lead in every instance. The time-saving benefits associated with AuditBoard are huge. The previous platforms we used required a lot of hands-on work when it came to documentation and compliance. With AuditBoard, it takes a tenth of the time that we previously spent on our internal audits.

How does Calligo use AuditBoard to crosscheck compliance? 

At Calligo, the principles we adhere to when it comes to SOC reports are based on security and availability, which are two critical pieces to ISO 27001. With AuditBoard’s platform, we’re able to audit against our ISO controls, which supply all the information we need for our SOC2 reports. The two are intertwined, which is ideal. Another benefit is being able to crosscheck your compliance from an ISO/SOC perspective., There’s a lot of overlap between the two systems, which is how we’ve designed our internal audit projects. 

How has AuditBoard helped Calligo focus on effective collaboration?

One of the benefits for our CISO is that he can leverage his team’s strengths with the management of controls that we audit every month. We’re incredibly lucky to have such a talented security team that has adapted to using the AuditBoard platform. They’re absolutely central to our annual external audits and reviews as well. Now, our CISO can step away from involvement in repetitive, day-to-day tasks to focus on other key areas. Now, we can collaborate more effectively across the organization to come up with new ideas and improvements.

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