AuditTalk: Danielle Ritter of TriNet and Tom Caputo of Tribune Media

May 22, 2019

AuditTalk: Danielle Ritter of TriNet and Tom Caputo of Tribune Media

We’re bringing you another installment of AuditBoard’s “AuditTalk” series featuring leaders in the audit community discussing their perspectives on current issues, sharing their experiences, and offering insights on industry trends. We sat down with Danielle Ritter of TriNet and Tom Caputo of Tribune Media to talk about where audit can bring value to an organization, how to build relationships with executive management, and more!

In the video below, Danielle Ritter, Executive Director of Internal Audit at TriNet, tell us how audit can validate a department’s need for resources to fix an issue, why it’s important for internal audit to get involved early when change occurs, and how to build the skillset and knowledge to audit ever-evolving technologies.

Danielle Ritter of TriNet discusses why audit should reach out to new members of the organization sooner rather than later and how to stay on the forefront of emerging technologies and trends.

Watch this video to learn how Tom Caputo, Vice President, Internal Audit and Compliance at Tribune Media, prioritizes one-to-one conversations with business leaders, presents issues with solutions to position internal audit as a partner assessing risk within the organization, and draws on audit’s unique bird’s eye view to provide a valuable perspective on company culture.  

Tom Caputo of Tribune Media shares how he co-authors recommendations with department heads to get more buy-in from them, and puts the audit committee at ease by packaging issues with solutions.

Stay tuned for more AuditTalk video interviews with audit community leaders about industry issues, insights, and experiences!


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