AuditTalk: Drew Tipton of Snap Inc. and Nirav Patel of UL

April 22, 2019

AuditTalk: Drew Tipton of Snap Inc. and Nirav Patel of UL

Check out the first set of videos in AuditBoard’s “AuditTalk” series, which features leaders in the audit community discussing their perspectives on current issues, sharing their experiences, and offering insights on industry trends. We’re thrilled to kick off the series by talking about career transitions and the most valuable skill sets for auditors today with Drew Tipton of Snap Inc., and Nirav Patel of UL.

Watch the video below to learn how Drew Tipton, Senior Manager, Internal Audit at Snap Inc., made the decision to move out of public accounting to Snap Inc., her advice about hiring auditors with an eagerness to try new things, and the benefits of getting to know your process owners.

Drew Tipton of Snap Inc. shares her advice about hiring based on potential and why you should get to know your process owners.

In this video, Nirav Patel, Chief Audit Executive and Vice President, Global Internal Audit at UL, tells us how he sees the auditor skill set changing over the past 10 years, how his career path led him to internal audit, and why he finds it fulfilling to be in a position to help a company improve future behavior.

Nirav Patel of UL breaks down changes he’s seen in the auditor skill set and why he chose a position in internal audit where he can be a helper to the business.

Stay tuned for more AuditTalk video interviews with audit community leaders about industry issues, insights, and experiences!

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